perm filename LES.MSG[ADM,DBL] blob sn#163798 filedate 1975-06-13 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂12-JUN-75  1637		AM,DBL AT TTY16   1637
 This is an annoying note to remind you to decide on terminals SOON, please.
 I am under the impression that we must get them this month.
 Also: Cordell and Ed Feigenbaum have worked out a mutually satisfactory arrangement
 for funding me: they will each fund me half time this Summer, and quarter time next
 Fall. Cordell will remain as my adviser, and I will have an office in both the AI Lab andall. Cordell will remain as my adviser, and I will have an office in both the AI Lab an
 and at Serra House. You can check with Cordell for more details f you need them.
 Since I was earmarked for half-time n the summer and fall, this opens up one
 quarter-time RA block of money in the Fall; no doubt you and Cordell can find
 some student who needs it.
 See ya tomorrow!